How Will Acupuncture Treatments Benefit Me?
Many people are familiar with the use of acupuncture for stress, relaxation and pain relief. However, many are still unfamiliar with its numerous other benefits. In a 2003 report “Acupuncture: Review and Analysis of reports on Controlled Clinical Trials” The World Health Organization recognized Acupuncture as an effective treatment for many common disorders.
Psychological/Emotional conditions:
insomnia and the common side effects (irritability, fatigue, lack of concentration)
mild depression
worry, stress
Head and Neck conditions:
headaches, migraines
neck stiffness
hair loss
Gastrointestinal conditions:
acid reflux, heartburn,
irritable bowel syndrome
leaky gut syndrome
constipation and diarrhea
Ear, Nose, Throat and Mouth conditions:
sinus congestion
watery or itchy eyes
sneezing, runny nose or itchy nose, nosebleeds
painful or swollen ear(s)
ringing or buzzing sounds
hearing loss, blocked or full sensation in the ear
sore or swollen throat
loss of voice
jaw pain (TMJ or TMD)
orofacial pain
Neurological conditions:
numbness, tingling sensation
carpal tunnel syndrome
Gynecological conditions:
menstrual disorders
fertility support
treatment plan for uterine fibroids
Respiratory System conditions:
shortness of breath
difficulty with an inhale/exhale
frequent cough
chronic Cold and flu like symptoms
Musculo-skeletal conditions:
joint pain, arthritis (osteo and rheumatoid)
muscle weakness, cramping, tension
frozen shoulder
back pain
Seasonal Allergies: and the associated symptoms.
Weight Loss: our weight loss treatments include nutritional and dietary support.
Often patients will move on to requesting treatment for other more subtle concerns that do not fit into any Western Medical diagnosis as East Asian Medicine can treat more subjective complaints:
Feelings of a loss of joy and excitement
Feelings of a loss of direction or purpose in life
Easy to frighten
Easy to anger
*If you have questions on whether we can benefit your specific concern, please do not hesitate to contact us. We offer free consultations.